We are grateful you stopped by. Whether you are looking for invaluable information needed to school at home or natural quality service and products useful for your home and family everday. WE GOT YAH!


Whether you are looking for invaluable information needed to school at home or natural quality products for your home WE GOT YAH!

Ivriy American Collections

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Educational Worksheets, Developmental Appropriate Daily Experiences

Home School Information Here!

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide a platform of organized, strategic steps for life planning and schooling at home education for diverse and cultured code-keeping families. We are bringing business, home, relationships, education, mind, body, and soul into balance. Achieving a self-governed wavelength of knowledge and power without outside interference in pursuit of liberty, freedom, and happiness.


Gardening is a therapeutic activity the whole family can enjoy as well as grow organic fruits and veggies. Gardening provides an enormous range of activities and options for your well-beingand and overall health. Ivriy american offers gardenig tips and tools to add value to your season.

Home Schooling

Home-schooling consideration for your children is probably one of the most critical decisions a parent can make. Home-schooling is the method in which the elementary, primary and secondary level of education is acquired through the home-environment, with the help of personal tutors, online-classes and ivriy american's educatonal worksheets and developmentally appropriate daily leaning experiences we help you connect common core stanards in language and literacy, math, social studties, science and general knowledge learning domains.