Peppermint Essentials
The peppermint plant is one of the oldest herbs known to us by those who have come before us. There are so many benefits and uses when you take advantage of the allies this plant has to offer. The fresh leaves of the peppermint plant have the most flavor and scent. The dried mint leaves add flavor or fragrance to foods, cosmetics, soaps, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and other products and yes, it is known to have some medicinal uses. Remember, Ivriy American is not a doctor! We are just sharing what we have learned through experience and others so you can make the most of the benefits of peppermint if you choose to grow and/or use peppermint. When you extract the oils from the peppermint leaf you are given an essential oil with distinct characteristics in supporting your health and home.
The peppermint produces delightful saw-tooth leaves and delicate flowers. It is one of the many herbs that are easy to grow. It is a perennial in zones 3 to 11 and is best to plant in spring or fall up to 2 to 3 weeks before the first frost in cold zones. Peppermint will grow in full sun to part shade and loves fertile moist soil. Space a bush of plants 18 to 24 inches apart as they grow 12 to 35 inches tall. Peppermint can tolerate light frost but eventually will die back. If you need your peppermint to survive a light frost, you should cover it with a frost blanket. Mint can quickly overrun a planting bed, so most gardeners keep it in check but grow it in containers. Peppermint is generally pest-free but does not be a lazy harvester because the flavor is bitter when the flower buds appear. When harvesting the peppermint leaves at any point in the growing season for the strongest flavor you should harvest the leaves at midday when the essential oil concentrations are strongest. Gather the individual leaves or clip the leafy stems.
Find a sunny windowsill or plant it in the ground to taste this sweet mint that produces a lingering cool menthol flavor effect on the tongue. Store peppermint steams at room temperature in a water-filled jar and use them within a week for the freshest flavor. Stems root easily in water. For longer storage dry or freeze the leaves. Or better yet persevere the extract oils from the peppermint plant. If you do not extract oils at home, you just got lucky. Ivriy American sells this essential oil for your convenience. Do not forget to check out our store.
The good thing about having peppermint essential oil in your home means you can take advantage of some of its benefits like relieving pain, preventing, and reducing vomiting, alleviating itching, boosting blood circulation, and killing germs. You can also use it to calm down and relax or freshen up the carpet after mixing it with baking soda. Whether you choose to use it fresh or dried it provides for a great beverage hot or cold. But like we mentioned earlier having a 10ml or larger bottle of peppermint essential oil in your home can give you the power to relieve muscle, joint pain, clear sinus, and respiratory seasonal allergies as well as increase your energy and improve your exercise performance. The peppermint essential oil can be used as a repellant to keep ants and spiders out of your home by putting some peppermint oil on a cotton ball and wiping areas of your home to create a barrier. The peppermint essential oil scent can be instantly inhaled to stop nausea or mix it with a carrier oil and rub it in to bring down indigestion. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a potpourri to make an invigorating atmosphere in your home today.
Peppermint lives everywhere for the general and greater good of humanity. It does not grow politically it exists and is established in nature. Ancient writing dated before the 15th century has found peppermint listed in the medical text as calming to stomach pains. There was a time our people used it as a form of currency. There are over twenty-five species of Mint. Peppermint is one of the most common. It is a symbol of hospitality and wisdom. The exceptionally clean and aromatic smell of peppermint reanimates the spirit and reminds you of the value of nature. Its leaves can be used dried or fresh in teas. The taste of peppermint being 40% menthol gives a cool sensation in the mouth.
You should be growing peppermint it is cultivated all over the world. The United States produces more than 70% of the world’s supply of peppermint with a total value of over $200 million. A half ounce of peppermint at the local grocery store can cost $1.99 totaling anywhere from $23 per year up to $111 per year of your family’s spending budget. Growing it, yourself seems smarter when you think of other ways you could apply for that money if you cut this simple dependence. A pack of seeds can run as little as $1. Peppermint seeds can be grown as a perennial herb plant in USDA zones 3 – 10. These plants can reach a height of twenty-four inches and then produce a beautiful bloom.
Peppermint has been known to our people as a “bitter herb.” Peppermint oil carries anti-inflammatory activity. It can be used to help improve mental awareness. The menthol stimulates the Hippocampus area of the brain which controls mental clarity and memory. Meaning using Peppermint can increase the oxygen count in your blood and increase the flow to your brain thus causing you to be more attentive. Using Peppermint oil in your home will keep away spiders, ants, mosquitoes, and other bugs around your home including mice. The menthol in peppermint work as a decongestant, shrinking swollen membranes in the nose and making it easier to breathe, and helping loosen mucus that has collected in the lungs. Peppermint is a popular flavoring for gum, toothpaste, and tea. (“Peppermint & Blood Pressure | Livestrong”) It can treat headaches, skin irritation, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, flatulence, and anxiety associated with depression.
Possible side effects are heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, and dry mouth, so do your research before you decide to use it, especially if you are pregnant, seeing a doctor, or taking other medication seek professional advice. This is not medical advice. Too much of anything is not good for you but gardening is relaxing and improves hand-eye coordination, motor skills, and self-esteem. The benefit of growing peppermint is a valuable one whether it is to save money or have fresh produce at your fingertips. Accentuate your food and health. The easiest way to use peppermint oil is to simply diffuse the oil in a diffuser. (“7 powerful ways to use Peppermint Essential Oil - Earthroma”) Only a few drops are needed. You can even apply a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball and place it near your workspace for the mind-boosting benefits of peppermint essential oil.
How to grow peppermint
Sow 3-5 seeds per plant. Cover with one-eighth fine soil and keep moist until germination. Seedlings will emerge in 7-20 days. Direct sow in the spring or indoors 8 – 10 weeks before your last frost. Peppermint is frost tolerant so it will die back in the winter and return in the spring. It is best grown in a container because it tends to take over. Many gardeners plant peppermint in a small pot and then plant that pot in the ground to help contain it. Partial sun is sufficient for peppermint however If you plant it in full sun, it will increase the potency of its oils and medicinal qualities.