PMS Essential Oil Blend Benefits

PMS Essential Oil Blend Benefits

PMS Essential Oil Blend Benefits

An imbalance in hormones before a menstrual flow cycle can affect the majority of cells in a woman’s body.  Symptoms and their severity vary resulting in uncontrollable crying, anger, irritability, depression, concentration problems, tender breasts, weight gain, and headaches.  When this imbalance happens family and friends tolerate the results of it when you battle the unseen imbalance of hormones.  There are oils to help address a combination of PMS challenges are clary sage, geranium, and lemon. 

PMS Relief

2 tablespoons carrier oil

5 drops clary sage

5 drops geranium

5 drops lemon

Use in a bath by adding 3-4 drops after the bathtub is full of water just as you are about to enter. After a shower use 4-6 drops with carrier oil or lotion and massage the whole body.  

Inhale the blend as needed during the day for PMS symptoms. 

Massage over the lower abdomen, hips, and lower back. 

Rub 2-3 drops on the bottom of your feet including both sides of your ankles before going to bed, getting up in the morning, or both.

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